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Marketing &

Business Development


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The next level of success and profitability is right there but you just don’t have the time, resources or specialized knowledge to break through.


Many firms find that finding an experienced staff member to fill that need is not only expensive, but time consuming. Avoid the pain of going through the search and hire process just to find you're still missing a key skill set. Avoid having to pay the expense of employee benefits. For a fraction of the cost of a experienced employee, you can have a true expert on your side with TRD


Evaluate your M/BD efforts for cost-effectiveness and ROI with a custom audit and then leverage our experience develop an effective plan that moves your brand forward and revenue up.​


  • Strategic Marketing Plan Development and Implementation

  • Sales and Business Development Planning and Training

  • Lead and Opportunity Process Development

  • Lead Generation Tools and Services

  • CRM and Technology Integration and Training

  • Proposal Creation and Support

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